"i'm not a perfect girl.My hair doesn't stay one place and i spill things a lot.I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart.My friends and i sometimes fight and somedays maybe nothing goes right.But when i thinks about it and take a step back...i remember how amazing life truly is and that just maybe...just maybe...i like being unperfect...." "friendship is juz like an onion.it has many layers in it.add taste to your life,but if u try to cut it,you will get nothing but tears!"

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Love isn't perfect. It isn't a fairytale or a storybook, and it doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because he did it together :')

Thursday, September 29, 2011


       Hye kawan2..pernah dengar pepatah x?"buat baik dibalas baik"...cmne plak "buat baik dibalas jahat"?

hah........de la satu citer nih..berlaku pada satu ketika bila sumone ni buat baik dengan sumone nih....bukan nak cakap ape la kan...sepanjang perkenalan mereka nih si V slalu tolong si X ni  study and so on.....xpena pon denga si X ni ckp thanks un kt si V ni....but sejak satu incident yang wat si V ni sedar yang die hanya dipergunakan....actually lebih kepada 'diambil kesempatan lar'....so,si V buat keputusan utk tak tolong si X ni lagi...but si X yang xtau n xsdar tindakan si V ni tros minx tlg,tp si V tros menolak....si X mungkin rase sedikit teraniaya sbb si V xnk tlg die lagi....tp,si V buat cmni supaya si X sedar yg si V bkn org yang sng2 diperkotak-katikkan....but,secara zahirnya..nmpk mcm si X ni mrh tp,die xtau pe yg berlaku.....smntara si V rase bersalah tapi die msti kuat untuk still ngn tindakan die supaya orang2 mcm si X ni sedar yang V bkn org yang bole diambil kesempatan....mentang2 la si V ni xpandai marah...tp,si V ni pandai pshycho.so,tu je la care yang die bole wat.....
      Hey,Mr.X dan kwn2....awak jangan ingat V dan kawan2 die baik awak bole amek kesempatan atas kebaikan dorang...mereka un de hati and perasaan..mentang2 membe2 V n V ni xley tgk kwn susa n jenis cpat kesian kan org,awak nk gune2 an mereka...LUCKILLY,V dan kawan2 die sedar pe yang berlaku disebalik sumenyer,so,mereka pon jd sedikit kejam...actually kejam bkn words yang sesuai,tp, ianya lebih kepada 'memberi pengajaran'.Sorry Mr.X,V dan rakan2 nye xpena terfikir nak wat cmni...tp,ape yang awak buat dh melampau..hampir kepada pembulian tau x??...so,jgn terasa hati or makan hati Mr.X.....V dan rakan2 die akan tlg awak balek lau awak berubah.....ONCE FRIENDS FOREVER A FRIENDS ok.......SORRY bg pihak V dan rakan2.....

p/s:hey Mr.X,awak akan diampunkan kalau awak jadi baik..tapi,lau awak rase awak nk  balas lek n tetap amek kesempatan lg terhadap kebaikan Miss V dan rakan2,INGAT!!mereka bole jadi lebih evil dr yang awak tau......hati2 Mr.X..jangan bermain dengan API...=)


guy:do you ever cross my mind?
guy:do you like me?
guy:do you want me?
guy:would you cry if i left?
guy:would you do anything for me?
girl:no way
guy:what would you choose?me or your life?
girl:oh my...what a silly question..of course my life!
guy:Thats it...thanks...

The guy run away with broken heart....but then the girl stop him,grab his hands and say...
"Hey,i'm sorry...The reason why you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why i don't like you is because...I LOVE YOU..
The reason why i don't want you is beacause I NEED YOU...
The reason why i won't cry if you leave because i would die for you...
The reason why i'm not willing to do ANYTHING for you is because,i will do EVERYTHING 
for you....
The reason why i choose my life instead of you is because you are my life dear....


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Baru2 ni kawan saya de tag satu pic dari fb kawan die...gambar heels Nike...lawa gile kot!!!dah la saya ni gila an heels and wedges...dapat lak heels sports cam uh..smart n unik kot...nak tgk x?lau nak,bole add friends saya yang jual kasut2 yang SPORTY,SMART and ELEGANCE nih.....ni link die......

there's lot more on their page......saya tau gurlz yang gila heels n wedges xkan lpas an peluang nak stalker page mereka  ni....huhu..for boys,kt page mereka ni la awak2 semua bole order hadiah straight away for your gurlz tau...huhu...nak tau lebih lanjut,just tekan link yang saya dah bagi kat atas... thank you!!=)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alyah-Kisah Hati (MV with Lyrics)

HEY girls!!lets cheer up our day....enjoy the lyrics....understand each and every words in the lyrics....

"Who Says"

I wouldn't wanna be anybody else

You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn’t good enough.
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough?
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else.

Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?

It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?

Who says you’re not star potential?
Who says you’re not presidential?
Who says you can’t be in movies?
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test?
Who says you can’t be the best?
Who said, who said?
Won’t you tell me who said that?
Yeah, who said?

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says

We'll Be Alright - Travie McCoy Lyrics

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Kenape dengan kereta??haa,ni la yang saya nak cerita nih.....siang tadi,saya dan kawan2 gi hantar membe yang sakit mate ke hospital segamat....balik dari hospital,kitorang pon terus la balik.....mase balik uh,terdetik la pulak kt hati ni nak bawak kereta uh sepanjang jalan ke uitm balik.before ni try2 bwk kt bandar segamat tu je..tu pon kejap2 je.....PADAHAL TAKDE LESEN!!ish3..tapi...NAK JUGAK!NAK JUGAK!NAK JUGAK BAWAK KETE!geram tengok stereng kereta uh..heheh.....then,kitorang pon bahagikan jalan ni sampai sini membe saya yang sorang ni yang jugak takde lesen ni bawak....pas uh,jalan ni sampai jalan ni saya yang bawak....mase saya bawak kereta uh,memang xya cakap r...ley dapat anugerah DRIVER PALING TEROK ARH!!!hahaha....dah r terhuyung hayang sebab x mahir lagi control stereng...pastu, kaki saya ni pulak tak reti nak tekan minyak slow2...kompen nak tekan sampai seratus lebih..(x sesuai langsung untuk orang yang takde lesen and baru nak belajar bawak kereta)ish3....actually tekan minyak tak tengok meter pon...TEROK BETOL!mase tengah tekan minyak punya la laju,tetibe de kereta dari arah lain nak memotong lak....adushhh!!!SUMPAH XTAU NAK WATPE MASE TUH!!semua menjerit takot....smpai la kereta uh dah betul2 nak dekat ngan kereta kitorang n xmasok2 line die ag,barulah 'JPJ BUATAN SENDIRI' sebelah saya ni jerit suro slow an kete....seyes x perasan yang kaki ni tengah sedap lagi tekan minyak....aiya!!tapi,dah tak sempat dah nak slow kan kereta uh..memang mase uh lau dah nak bertembung uh memang tawakal je lar...tapi,sebab terfikir saya tengah bawak 3 anak orang dalam kereta uh,saya teros tolak stereng ke sebelah kiri tapi,hampir2 nak jatuh masok parit kat tepi uh!!then tolak stereng naik jalan raye balek...... mase uh cam tergamam gile2..APE AKU DAH BUAT!!!!????pape pon,bile fikir balik...hey!pengalaman menarik!!hihihi..just,rase2 lau nak bawak kereta lagi,maybe taknak bawak orang lain naik sekali kot..nak bawak sorang2..pape jadi biar la tanggung sorang2...haishh...cepat2 la amek lesen ye miszjane yer....xelok bawak kereta illegal lame2....huhu....=)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

its a FINAL countdown!!!

haaa....poyo je tajuk uh an?haha..actually xtau nak ckp cmne..tapi,memang  tengah countdown pon untuk final exam sem nih....aik,kejap je an?pejam celik,pejam celik...dh final dah..
aigo!!!seremmmm lar nk final exam....paper saya yang pertama bermula esok bersamaan 23 april 2011.. paper CTU..pas uh BEL...then follow by dua paper pada hari yang same iaitu.....COSTING N MICROECONOMICS!!last paper MARKETING lak.terbaek larh!!terima kasih UiTM...uwaaa..why?why?why?????knape dua subjek tercinta saya uh pada hari yang same??.....
tapi xpe..jangan mudah mengalah lar miszjane......cool jerh..study je..pasuh msok dewan jawab arh(senang lar cakap bagi sedap ati an)....so k....GO ME!!GO ME!!GANBATE!!CHAIYOK!!GUDLUCK MISZJANE...=)

Its a month of birthday!!!

treeet..treeeet....hello3 followers....huhu...nak tau x....bulan ni betul2 meriah lar....
bulan april ni ramai gila orang sambut  b'day....
ape memang mereka2 ni dah pakat2 lahir bulan empat ke??huhu...
x kesah la..penat nye saya nak wish mereka2 ni..tapi besh...heheh...
sorry lar x dapat nak provide an hadiah untuk semua kenalan2 yang sambut b'day k....
but to adik saya NURUL AINA SAKINAH,dont worry lah..akak belikan nanti!!huhuhu...
btw....HAPPY BIRTHDAY Angah!!!...dah besar pon adek akak nih...hey,study elok2 ok....
study sampai masuk universiti dengan akak....akak doakan..bila dah makin besar kene la berfikir dengan matang since umur pon dah meningkat....semoga berjaya dalam hidup k angah!!amin.......
to adek angkat saya HAFIZUDDIN...happy birthday!!adek pon dah besar ek..nak abes sekolah dah....
cam tak caye..kenal adek dari form 1 smpi dah nak abes sekolah...pejam celik mase cepat je berlalu....
pape pon...HAPPY BIRTHDAY larh kat sape2 yang sambut b'day bulan april ni k...... hey...nah..terimalah dari saya......



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong THEFACESHOP Asia Tour Fan Gathering Kuala Lumpur 041210

semua dah jadi gile time nih..hahahah..termasok la saya!!!=)

Kim Hyun Joong in Malaysia (3-5 Dec 2010)

i was there!!i was there!!saya ada kat Pavilion mase tuh!!gile happy bagai nk gile arh dpt tgk hyun joong depan mate!!please come again hyun joong!!..=)

MV HD Eng | Should I Confess - Soyu「Playful Kiss OST」

like this vid so much!!c'mon kpop fans and of course kim hyun joong fans...lets watch Playfull Kiss!!hyun joong totally charming in this drama!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

kita ditipu sejarah selama ni tanpa kita sedari....

kita belajar sejarah yang diajar di sekolah...mungkin kita tak tahu kebenaran sebenar..tape,pembongkaran yang ditunjukkan vdeo ni ada logik akalnya juga..sama2 kita renungkan....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Marketing Advertisement Competition!!!

YEAHH!!haa...nape happy??hari ni nak share sikit pasal marketing advertisement competition yang diadakan kat kelas hari ni....sukacitanya dimaklumkan,setelah bertungkus lumus,berhempas pulas menyiapkan advertisement n presentation since 3 minggu yang lepas,akhirnya,group kami menang jugak for wakil kelas untuk lawan dalam advertisement dengan kelas2 business yang lain pulak....huhu.... terbayar gak r rasenyer kepenatan tak tido menyiapkan mende2 uh...hihi..but,de due group yang menang tadi,that is group VOLKSWAGEN dengan my group of course,LEXUS...we've  to decide which group yang nak pergi continue competition ni wakil for kelas pulak....hmmm..hard to decide,but we'll just see what will going on then....btw,my post today just nak wish CONGRATULATIONS!!!  to my group LEXUS, and to group VOLKSWAGEN....you guys done a good job mate...hihi.best jugak marketing ni ek..huhu...well,i think i should stop here....dh ngantok sangat2 ni....going to have a sweet dream tonight i think..=)...so happy!!
we've been compete to advertised the drinking water just like this picture....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saya suka,suka,suka!!!

hye semua...hari ni saya nak kongsi satu benda yang buat saya gila bila ternamapk 'menatang' nih...huhu
nak tau apa??kereta larh!!selain sangat menggilai high heels,saya mule de minat baru,iaitu kereta!saya mule suke kereta mase adik saya mula2 ajar saya maen game Need For Speed kat lappy......hah,jangan tak tau....ingat saya ni reti shopping,enjoy and buat 'gurlz thing' je kerh??.....kereta pon saya layan tau...tapi,tak la pro mane pon pasal kereta.....heheh..ilmu details pasal kereta belum ade pon..sebab takde sape nak ajar saya pasal kereta......='(
actually,saya suke gak kereta lain .... x kesa kereta ape pon...lau saya dapat myvi or viva pon,saya akan hias kereta tuh cantik2..huhu...
cume lau nak berangan lebih2,saya prefer berangan dapat Lotus Eagle Sports Car,Aston Martin Sports Car,Citroën's C-Métisse Diesel Hybrid,NissanSkyline GTR ,Lamborghini ke an.....ish!!lebih2 pulak dah nih....tapi,smart gak lau dapat miliki kereta NISSAN R35 LIME SKYLINE.I adore u sgt2 arh......smart gile kereta nih!! auww!!
ley jadi gile gak lar lau citer pasal kereta nih....nak belajar pasal kereta?hmmm,tunggu lar bila saya ada mase nanti,saya belajar lah..huhu..buat mase ni saya cume sangat meminati design2 kereta yang hot2 nih.....gram nyer tengok kereta2 nih....
kalau la bile saya sebut je nak kereta tuh,terus ade depan mate kan best...tapi,hidup ni tak semudah tu....saya kene belajar betul2,dapat kan keje yang terbaik,kumpul duit and InsyaAllah,kereta yang saya idam2 kan akan menjadi milik saya!!!huhuhu..thats the spirit girls!!huhu..
k la,penat saya bebel panjang2 pasal kereta,....huhuhu...saya rase nak stop kt sini lar...next,jom cuci mate tengok kereta2 hot idaman saya nih..hihi..enjoy!!!
my fav skyline!!!=)
suke kereta ni sbb lampu bawah uh...hihihi

snap2!!sory mr.owner!!


mr.dodge viper.....mmuahx!!
unik tak yang nih...hak3..SHoES Sports Car
mercedes benz sports car..hot stuff!!
lexus pon boleh tahan kan?huhu
lexus CT200h..sesuai untuk family..huhu